Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The Mater Dei Saga: Day 2

Last night, I lost count how many times I woke up throughout the night. Morgan stayed fever free thankfully.

This morning, the dude who had hogged all chairs and footstools in the room saw how uncomfortably huddled up in a quasi-fetal position I was in on the Abominable Blue Reclining Armchair, and seemed to feel guilty about it as he gave me my footstool.

A she-doc came by and visited Morgan. She said that test results so far were strange as the dipstick done at the Pediatric Emergency Room has shown signs of an infection due to protein existing in the urine sample, as well as the high white blood cell count.

However, when they examined the sample under the microscope there was no sign of pus or infection.

Now we will have to wait for the cultures to be finalised and see what the results come back as.

Throughout the day, our roomies changed. Instead of the 5 year old boy whose bed is opposite ours, came a young baby boy who cries constantly. Instead of the 10-ish year old girl with snob parents whose dad was the furniture-hogger, a boy of around 7 yrs of age showed up.

The bed next to ours was empty last night, but is now occupied by NOISY LOUD PEOPLE. The patient is a boy of also about 7yrs of age, and at 7:23pm, his mum, grandma and Gods know what other relatives, are still here BEING LOUD FUCKS. Sorry, I couldn't find a better description for them.

I play nice. Before I went to the common bathroom with Morgan to wash her, I asked them if anyone needed to use the toilet so as not to create inconveniences. Then I asked if it was ok to turn off the uber-bright light that lights up the whole room for Morgan to fall asleep. Each bed has an individual light which can be used so as not to disturb the other roomies.

Not even 10 minutes later they asked me to let them know when Morgan sleeps so that they turn on the bright light again.

Each bed has a tv - all tvs are on. All roomies are loud (the quietest being the furniture-hogger's replacement people). I am hoping they leave hospital before we do cos I can't see us living a week or so with these noisy people.

Johan came over to bring us supplies and spend some time with us before work. I called my workplace to let them know I needed to be with Morgan still.

Other than that, not much happened. My aunt came by with some more supplies for us.

Morgan ate a fair bit thankfully.

Now I'm off to try and chill a bit before Morgan gets woken up AGAIN.
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Monday, 14 January 2013

Bienvenue a Mater Dei

Today, or rather yesterday since it is just past midnight, I got a call whilst at work from my sis asking to call back. The message said "it is about Morgan."

"Oh great," I thought to myself.

I contacted my mum who told me Morgan had high fever - 40.1 degrees celsius.

I left work early. My brother picked me up, took me home where I gathered a few basic belongings, picked up Morgan and came straight to hospital.

By the time we got here, her fever had gone thanks to Nurofen syrup my mum had given her. The pediatrician at the Emergency room knew Morgan from previous visits, so long story short, she decided to be super cautious.

Johan - a.k.a HSS to you who have been following the blog - came over as soon as he could. The doc took a couple of urine samples and sent them for tests.

We were told to return a couple of hours later for the results. We went over to Rose's house, grabbed a bite, and headed back here.


This means we are going to spending this next week at hospital.

Thankfully the Canula Ordeal this time round wasn't too bad. The doc managed to find Morgan's vein at her 3rd attempt.

Now we are in a shared room where my armchair is broken and the back won't stay in a horizontal position if I move, we have no footstool or chair (unlike some bastards sharing the room with us who have a footstool and TWO chairs), and the bathroom is on the opposite side of the corridor.


I have no idea what antibiotics they will put her on for prevention purposes once we are sent home. Nitrofurantoin already is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Any broader and it would start singing about cats and gods know what else. (Broad, broadway.. Get it?)

I suppose at least this did not happen on Morgan's birthday at least.

Had better try and sleep a bit. This is going to be a long week.


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