Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The Hospital Diaries: A Few Updates

Yesterday was very tiring for me, thus the silence. I am slowly writing the whole birthing experience, so that is a blog in the making which should be completed shortly hopefully.

In the meanwhile, I wanted to let you guys know that both Morgan and I are well. I ache a lot, which is to be expected. Morgan is having some difficulties with feeding, nothing major though.

She is one quiet baby girl! I've been blessed so far. My gorgeous baby girl is heaps of fun and cuteness, I swear!

I'm in love. Completely smitten by her. I feel like I am living life for the first time. She is my raison d'être.


  1. I feel like I am living life for the first time.

    the same feeling i had after i gave birth to Shivy :) xxxx much love ros! takecare and give a big kiss to your Morgan for me <3
