Monday, 6 February 2012

It Won't Rain All The Time

My fears regarding insomnia not being a baby-friendly thing turned out to be justified. In spite of Morgan being a good sleeper, I still didn't manage to sleep more than half an hour last night. I suppose knowing I had to take her to hospital for a blood sample to be taken for the Genetic Profiling was more stressful than I realised.

A friend of mine picked us up at 8am, and we made our way to hospital. I must say - those car seats are EVIL things. They are bloody heavy! Poor guy ended up carrying Morgan around in her car seat 99% of the time since I am not supposed to carry anything heavier than her until I heal.

The woman who took her blood sample had difficulty in finding Morgan's vein [on the back of her hand] and ended up poking a needle in both hands to get the blood needed. Let me tell you this - it is a very ugly feeling watching your child being hurt, and bleeding, and being unable to make it stop. Even when you know that it is for their own good. Morgan wailed a fair bit - I think this was one of her most heartfelt cries so fair. A fair amount of cuddles later calmed her down, thankfully.

I changed a Uber-Dirty-Nappy in what is possibly the nicest Baby Changing Room I ever came across - and then proceeded on going on a Wild Goose Chase to book an appointment for Morgan as a follow-up with her Head Paediatrician at Hospital. That was sorted and will be happening in March. To my Bmod family who'll be hanging out in the UK in March, enjoy it! Think of us as whilst you'll be getting wasted and worked upon, Morgan and I will be attending to medical stuff (hopefully just of the good kind).

The ride back home was rather uneventful. Morgan pretty much slept most of the time - I'm envious of her ability to sleep so well! We got here minutes before her feed was due - and she fell asleep halfway through it only to wake up an hour and a half later, famished. This means that within a 2-hour timeframe she drank 110ml of milk. Yay for her feeding problems being over and done with!

She seems to be getting a stuffy nose. Tomorrow I'll see if I can go home and get the nasal pump thingy a friend of mine sent me. It is used to aspire snot from a baby's nose.

I was exhausted, and eventually I handed Morgan over to my mum and soon-to-be sis-in-law as I was seconds away from crashing on the spot.

They looked after her for me, and eventually I woke up when her next feed was due. My mum decided she's feed her though. We also gave her her first proper bath! (See blurry photo). Needless to say, Morgan wasn't impressed. She doesn't like being completely buttnaked. Maybe cos it is cold. I'm not sure.

I slept some more as she fell asleep. I just finished feeding her now, and am about to take advantage of
Her sleeping to snooze myself. first, though, I would like to clarify one thing.

When I set up this blog, I called it "The Good, The Bad, and The Stinky". This was intended to highlight the fact that I wouldn't be sugarcoating stuff.

There have been a couple of blog entries recently which may have seemed hurtful and/or downright bitchy. The thing is this - ask any mother whether their motherhood experience has always been positive.. They might not admit it, but you will see it in their eyes, but every mother - old and new - will have wanted to scream her heart out and smash every single thing in sight at one point or another. We're only human - and parenthood is perhaps the rawest human experience ever.

My venting was not meant to be hurtful in anyone's regards. I am thankful for every single bit of help and support I have had from friends and family. I still need a way to unleash my cocktail of negative emotions.

This is a highly stressful time in my life where things keep cropping up, and sometimes I feel like someone, somewhere, doesn't want me to enjoy this new experience. Drama keeps piling up, and so does exhaustion. I need a holiday - just my daughter and I.


  1. I don't think you've sounded bitchy in any of your blogs, protective is a long way from bitchy. If you need to vent then vent, you must be shattered so it's natural to need to vent more than you normally would. People who care about you will just worry about you, not think your wanting to hurt anyones feeling or are ungrateful.

    I can't imagine how hard it was for you seeing her getting her bloods taken, espically with it not going right first time. It just shows your motherly instints are fully kicked in. Am glad to see that your family and local friends are helping out when they can.

    I will not be able to make the meet either so will be thinking of you, the wee one and all of them.

    Hope the drama eases (whatever has happened - don't know or need to know what's going on but hoping those I care about that I can see upset are ok) soon and you get to spend some quiet time getting to know Morgan between her check ups. Also keeping my fingers crossed that your body clock finally gives in and lets you rest more. xx
