Sunday, 15 January 2012

The Baby Shower Chronicles: Part 2

6pm, and I am alone.  It has been a long day, but an enjoyable one indeed.  Out of the friends I had invited, only 2 managed to make it - some had other plans,others had to work,others still were poorly or hungover.  Quality over quantity is the way to go though! So, it was just myself, my elder sis,my mum, my future sis-in-law, and a couple of friends.

My sis went through  the trouble of making - yes, making, not buying - a Nappy Cake [with her boyfriend's assistance - so a big thank you goes to him too!], and his sister did an awesome job at making the cake!  She also did orgasmic cake lollipops which everyone loved.  Having less people attend meant more cake for us all. YAY!

Once everyone arrived, we all chilled in the living room, talking and having generic banter whilst making sure our stomachs were appeased.  At one of my friends decided we should play a game and see if we can guess my circumference by means of a string cut at the appropriate length. Not having string at hand,we used wool instead. It turned out that I overestimated myself and cut a piece that was way longer! My mother, on the other hand,got extremely close to guessing the correct measurement. I guess she had enough training over the years, whats with buying clothes for me without my being there.

The game was followed by another guessing game- this time, to try and figure out Cartoons Theme songs ranging from the 80s up until today. Needless to say, I did well where the 80s were involved but sucked at modern day cartoons.

Even more banter was had, during which we were discussing names and how inconsiderate it is for parents to go for certain names which provoke bullying.

This is the playlist I created for the occasion:

All in all, it was good fun! When we cut the cake open, a surprise awaited us!

RAINBOW! I love rainbows! The Amazing Amanda [the mastermind behind Little Mama's Cakes] actually baked each coloured layer separately. Truly, she is one of those women that all other women secretly hate for her talent, and yet can't help but commissioning her to cater for their special occasions because her cakes are so scrumptious.

Cake was had with even more banter, this time, discussing the hawtness that is Edward Norton, and the success Thor had with the generic female population the moment his shirt came off.  Robert Downey Jr was also drooled over,obviously!  Yes - we were discussing the up and coming Avengers Movie. That will be one occasion I'll have to get someone to babysit Creature for.

Not my cup of tea, but anyway.

Eventually, it was getting late for everyone, and I was exhausted.  Everyone helped with tidying up, the cake was split in generous portions for people to take home with them, and we all parted ways.

Good times!


  1. lol well - he's Blond and Buff. A bit too pretty for my liking! I know, I was disappointed to see Ed won't be Bruce, but am pleased Lou Ferrigno is voicing Hulk! Mark Ruffalo isn't bad, so there is still hope! Surely can't be worse than Eric Bana!!!

  2. *drool* cake *drool* Edward Norton *drool* Robert Downey *drool* Thor's physique
