Sunday 1 January 2012

Starting anew

First of all, I would like to thank you all for showing an interest in my inane ramblings and for the support you've shown! Thankies!!

New year, new chapter I guess, right?

Well, this year will be one of many firsts.  For the first time, my countdown will be to a life-changing event.  I will become a mother for the first time, and will be responsible for what seems to probably be a not-so-tiny-Creature.  I will be entering my first life-long commitment relationship-wise, and will hopefully get to witness Creature's first words, smile, steps, meal, bath, Samhain, Yule and gods know what else!

From here onwards, my life will no longer be mine - it will be ours.  For the first time, I will have someone I love, love me back [I hope] and sticking around for a long long time.

So yes - it truly is a new beginning for me.

My only hope is that this year, there will be no funerals to attend.  For those who know me, you know it has been an annual thing since 2000.  Having a break and focusing on Life, rather than Death, would be nice.

Oh!! And I also get to witness the officialisation of another accomplishment of mine - my brother will be getting married to my lovely friend.  I claim full responsibility for their introduction :D

I look forward to this new challenge that lies ahead of me. For those of you who are thinking "What about doomsday?" I have my own theory - it is highly likely that the date is correct - and the end will be brought upon us... by Creature's first steps. Muahahahahahahahaha.

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